How to make an STL file for 3D printing
Posted by Ben Mazur 05.05.2020
How do I make an STL file?
- Find a 3D CAD file online or design one yourself
- Use a free or professional 3D CAD package
- You can use any 3D CAD package which supports solid modelling
- Once you have designed your 3D CAD model, save or export it as an STL file
What is an STL file?
An STL file is a 3D is the basis for any 3D printing project. An STL file is comprised of lots of triangles which are all connected to form a single, closed volume. That volume represents the physical object to be 3D printed. STL files are the industry standard format used by 3D printing software to 3D print parts. Most 3D printing software will import an STL file, extract the 3D data and then generate the many “slices” or vertical layers which the 3D printer will build. STL stands for surface tesselation language.
How do I make an STL file for 3D printing?
First, you need a 3D CAD (computer aided design) file and a 3D CAD package that can read it. Then it is usually as simple as clicking File -> Save, and selecting STL as the output format.
How do I get an STL file if I don’t have a 3D CAD file?
If you don’t have a 3D CAD file, there are many places online where you can download free, ready made STL files for all sorts of useful things. For some inspiration you could visit GrabCad or Thingiverse. If you have a specific design you need and you can’t find it online, you can design the 3D CAD file yourself or find someone to do it for you.
What CAD software is best to use to make an STL file?
There are many CAD packages out there that are great for making STL files for 3D printing, and as long as the one you chose supports “solid” modelling, it will be suitable. There are professional packages such as Solidworks, Inventor and Rhino and some free packages like SketchUp and Freecad. The professional packages will give you more features and functionality but it doesn’t matter too much which one you chose so long as it can export STL files.
Where can I find someone to make an STL file for me?
There are lots of places online where you can find freelancers to design the 3D CAD and make an STL file for you. PeoplePerHour and UpWork are a good place to start if your requirements aren’t too complex. If you are looking for a more complex design we’d suggest enlisting the help of a design consultancy, get in touch and we would be happy to recommend one.
Need help? We’re here
If you need help finding or designing a model for 3D printing, get in touch and we will be happy to help. Use the live chat to ask us a question or drop us an email.